Symantec CT scan

Domains using old Symantec SSL-certificates on October 15th 2018.

Certain old Symantec SSL-certificates will not be supported by webbrowsers. Google Chrome will stop supporting these certificates with version 70, which will be released on Tuesday October 16th. Firefox will follow soon with a similar update. Open State Foundation has scanned public and private websites to see how many Dutch websites still use these old certificates. A scan of 16.085 Dutch websites that use Symantec SSL-certificates shows that 3.106 websites still use old certificates. 19 percent of scanned websites will not be automatically accessible with Google Chrome.

Read more in our blogpost.

Data ja resurssit


Kenttä Arvo
Laatija Benjamin W. Broersma
Versio 1.0
Viimeksi päivitetty syyskuu 15, 2020, 13:09 (UTC)
Luotu lokakuu 15, 2018, 16:00 (UTC)