Open Multilaterals

Countries participate in many multilateral organisations, for example the United Nations, World Bank or NATO. These organisations are (partially) funded via contributions from each member country. To fulfil their duties, these organisations buy services and products from companies all over the world. On we show which countries and companies reap the benefits of these transactions.

The datasets are available as open data and are thus free for everyone to download and use. See the about page for more information on how we retrieved the data.

Fields available in all four datasets

  • year: The year in which the contract/order was awarded
  • vendor_country: The country where the vendor organization is located
  • vendor_name: The name of the vendor organization
  • amount: The amount in dollars awarded for the contract/order; NATO values were in euros so they have been converted to dollars using these exchange rates (Set 'Transformation' to 'Annual Frequency' to get the annual averages)
  • description: Description of the contract/order

All datasets have other fields available as well, but they are often specific to each dataset. Regarding the World Bank data: we combined both the corporate procurement contract award and major contract awards data in the chart and table at the home page of this website. Some of the columns are unique to each dataset and are thus empty in the table. Award Date, Commodity Category, WBG Organization, Selection Number, Fund Source, VPU description, Contract Award Type are unique to the corporate procurement contract awards dataset. The field Supplier Country Code is common to both. The rest of the fields are unique to the major contract awards dataset.

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Senast uppdaterad 15 november 2019, 14:17 (UTC+00:00)
Skapad 12 oktober 2018, 13:17 (UTC+00:00)